Reaction Essay
Growing up my parents wouldn’t allow cable in the house, not because of its reputation, but for the sheer impracticality of the expense. I thought they were being unfair and would regularly stage an argument, on behalf of the kids in the home, for exactly why they should reconsider their position. No matter how well thought out, how litigiously presented, my efforts were fruitless! It seemed to me my parents simply had no reason. All of that changed in the summer of 1988.
My parents had gotten a divorce early on in the year, I was devastated. To make matters worse my father met someone shortly there-after and they fell madly inlove. OOOH, I was so mad. All I could think was “what kind of spell must she have him under?” Out of the blue she moves in and next thing you know their married. I inherited along with the package a room-mate in the form of a step-sister and two step brothers. For the first time ever I had to share a room!
I remember one of the things that changed shortly after Mary’s arrival was my father’s position on cable being a needless expense. Next thing you know not only do we have cable but my dad went the extra mile to pay for HBO! I couldn’t believe it! He caved!
For the next several years I lived on MTV. Along with the rest of the siblings I would sit like a zombie for hours listening to the endless dribble the MTV media gods would spew at us. Everything from head bangers ball, (the real head bangers ball, you know before dude cut off all of his hair and started acting like a wuss), to the first Real World, (Puck Rules!), what about remote control, remember that one? It’s hard to think back on it all and not laugh hysterically. I mean, I was sold hook line and sinker.
Reading this article made me laugh over and over. I identify with so much of it. I look at my children and the tender ages of 8 and 9 (they’ll turn before the 4 and 2 yrs old) and I am sad for the day when they buy in. MTV somehow seems to have become even more superficial than it was 18 years ago when I was hooked and I think that’s saying something!
There really doesn’t seem to be anything of value. Still, when reading his daughters accounts it was hard not to become nostalgic. It took me back to when NKTOB first came out and I used to try and catch all of the newest videos, later staying up all night to catch the world premiere of Metallica’s Unforgiven. Later still, gaining resentment for the lack of videos and replacement of too many stupid reality shows. I think I even boycotted MTV for a while.
Now-a-days when I flip on the TV I head for Nat Geo. Or Discovery channels like MTV seem too superficial. When I flip on the radio I listen to NPR rather than the radio, I like it better. It seems to me music hasn’t changed much in the last 10-15 yrs. There is a shortage of new and unique sounds coming over the radio waves and I get tired of hearing the same regurgitated crap with different lyrics and a new beat over and over. NPR informs me and allows me to get the news in a way that hasn’t yet been inundated with media spin.
I prefer finding new music through word of mouth anymore. My friends have a good ear and always turn me on to new stuff. I go to shows when I can and check out new groups in the locality. I may even check out something new online every once in a while. When you have a preference of artist over singer it’s hard to find a “diamond in the rough” so to speak, with all the hyped up, watered down, corporate cultivation of the perfect star. You know what I mean right? The singer looks the part and with a little bit of work on the studio eventually they might sound the part too and if they don’t who cares? We can always just synthesize the track until it sounds like they do! Teenagers can keep their MTV as far as I’m concerned. I certainly have no more use for it, and in the long run I turned out okay, so why wouldn't they?
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